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New Jersey 7:42 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I don't think there's a problem in the UK with homophobia, the vast majority accept it and aren't the least bothered. My local radio breakfast presenter is openly gay, he's brilliant at his job and the listeners think he's great. He's also ginger and I bet he's had far more grief about that than being gay. Ginger people are bullied far more than any other section of society!!

Mike Oxsaw 7:40 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I'm "real hard" but I've just had the inside of my closet done in a rather fetching shade of pink, with sequins and boas and everything, so fucked if I'm coming out.

COOL HAND LUKE 7:38 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
Nobody's business but his own. Onwards...

SnarestoneIron 7:31 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
Jaan Kenbrovin 7:16 Tue May 17

I am sure there are some real hard men on here that are in the closet because of what their mates would say, what can I say?

Mirkwood 7:23 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
It always amazes me.
I went to a school with 1200 pupils. We never had a single gay person or tranny.
We did however have skinheads. We obviously need them back

BRANDED 7:18 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I know quite a few gays and none of them are sensitive poofs. They all can give as much as they can take.

Jaan Kenbrovin 7:16 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
'The comments on this post really make me embarrassed to be a West Ham fan. The likelihood is that at least one of our playing staff is gay, but is too scared to come out because of you dickheads'

If that ratio is true, there must be more gay people on this thread than in our squad.

Lily Hammer 7:15 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I like his attitude anticipating abuse from fans, saying he doesn’t care what people shout, and that it won’t make a difference. He’ll just get on with playing his best.

So much better than saying he and his team mates will walk off the pitch, if they hear homophobic abuse from the stands.

Many lessons can be learnt from this young man.

Lee Trundle 7:04 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I'm trying to find out what would upset me on this thread if I batted for the other team.

I'm struggling to find any homophobia.

goose 6:56 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
drama queen.

SnarestoneIron 6:54 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
The comments on this post really make me embarrassed to be a West Ham fan. The likelihood is that at least one of our playing staff is gay, but is too scared to come out because of you dickheads. It's not about coming out, and making money, it's about being able to live a normal life without having to worry that some bigot will find out and tip the papers off!

Does this fucking site have any admins? Fucking bunch of pricks if there are and they continue to let this thread exist.

lincslink 5:50 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
So we can sing support of the gay footballer at Brighton Sunday.

Far Cough 4:58 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.

Hermit Road 4:42 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
He probably on,y really had the hump with the bald bit.

New Jersey 4:11 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
I was at Wembley for the Everton v Watford cup final and thousands of Everton fans were chanting, He's bald, he's queer, he likes it up the rear, Elton John, Elton John!!

Reg just smiled and that was the end of that. Imagine if something like that happened today, we would never hear the last of it.

Razzle 3:21 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
you would like to think nobody cares BUT racism is still there, which doesn't leave much hope for homophobia.

BRANDED 1:12 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
It should be

“ First gay ever ( except the others) to have enough talent to get a professional contract”.

Implying gays aren't good at footy, except ones that birth who are two a penny.

yngwies Cat 12:52 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
Scored 4 at the weekend after coming out.

Maybe more should do it. To help shoot there load

Kaiser Zoso 12:29 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
Is that the correct headline, I’d have thought the first flight attendant who wasn’t gay would’ve been more of a thing?

GreenStreetPlayer 12:29 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.
This is big news for the far left BBC and ITV.

ITV even brought up racism in football, but as we know it rarely exists at least where we play our matches at home.

They are the racists, keep bringing it up all the time.

joe royal 12:24 Tue May 17
Re: The gay footballer.

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